I have worked for Norfolk County Council, Adult Social Services since 1985. Firstly as a Care Assistant at Sydney House in Stalham. Whilst there I gained huge experience in caring for the elderly which set me in very good stead for my future roles .From around 1994 I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to go to other Norfolk County Council Care homes as a Relief Assistant Manager to provide cover when the permanent Managers were absent. During this period I learnt so much about care for the elderly. I was supported by one Manager in particular at 'The Dales' in Upper Sheringham. I was encouraged to attend management training which again would be to support and encourage me in my future roles.
I assisted in the setting up of our Out of Hours Service and worked in this area for some time. We were there between 06:00-10:00 & 17:00-22:00hrs to support staff lone working in the community. We worked alongside duty social workers and supported them when an urgent package of care was required for someone vulnerable.
Since working as a Manager my focus has always been the service users and staff but, some of my priorities were now based around the Care Quality Commission and ensuring we were adhering to their guidelines as well as providing a good service to our service users.
I would regularly supervise staff and complete their appraisals.
I am a dedicated team player, supportive and understanding. Having worked for Adult Social Services for many years, I am a motivated, organised and flexible individual.
Through departmental restructures I have held the positions of Reablement Assistant Practitioner where I would assess people in their own homes who may have come from an acute setting following a surgical procedure or accidental injury. I would assess their care needs and ensure that the appropriate level of care was in place to support them in their Reablement journey.
My current role as Service Manager, I am registered with the care Quality Commission to ensure daily overall responsibility for the safe provision of care to the people we support.
I am applying for the part time role of receptionist as I have decided to take early retirement from my current role but feel I would still like to work but only part time. As a family we have always had pets, mainly dogs. My husband has Labradors which he works to pick up on shoots and I have a border terrier. We are pet lovers and the thought of working with or around animals is exciting. I am a supportive, empathetic and understanding individual who can show compassion when needed.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application & CV.
Kind Regards