I am an accredited UKCP psychotherapist with six years of post-accreditation experience & an EMDR UK practitioner with three years of working for IAPT as a remote EMDR therapist with Xyla Digital Therapies.
Since 2021, I have completed over one thousand sessions of online EMDR with over one hundred NHS and private patients, and I am keen to expand my experience by gaining EMDR consultant status in the next 12 months.
I performed over 2500 trades, representing over £12 million of capital on a permission execution basis while achieving 21% annual returns.
I won 'Best Precious Metal Bullion Broker' at the London Forex Show 2019.
In January 2020, I published a book called Crypto Profit which made the top-ten list on Amazon for online investing.
I have won awards in both of my professional careers as a hypnotherapist (2015) and as an investment broker (2019).
I have supervised and managed small teams of people with complex tasks in challenging sectors requiring regulation and compliance.