Dynamic and adaptable professional with extensive experience in leading teams and managing multiple complex systems.
Knowledgeable about enhancing productivity, fostering positive work environments, and driving continuous improvement. Ready to use and develop communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in Clinical Operational Lead role.
- Manage 10 services including inpatient wards, Home Treatment Team, Psychiatric Liaison, Right Care Team, and unit wide Admin Team
- Support the Executive Team and Directorate Leadership Team in implementing policies and change ideas
- Monitor governance of systems, adding support structures
- Effective bed management with focus on reducing length of stay, occupied bed days and clinically ready for discharge
- Implement Quality Improvement projects that streamline systems, enhance working practice and client experience
- Manage complaints and serious incidents alongside the governance team
-Work with multidisciplinary colleagues to ensure safe and effective care
- Established audit systems for quality and assurance
- Use data to influence teams and make changes to running of services
- Stand in for Deputy Director
- Feedback in quality meetings with the Executive team and the Directorate Board
-Lead by example and be a positive role model to staff
-Problem solve and multitask in a very challenging and ever changing environment.
- Support struggling teams with complex and difficult decisions
-Managed multiple busy 19 bed male and female acute wards
-Effective bed management and discharge planning
-Work closely with the Directorate Senior Leadership Team to implement new changes and procedures
-Work closely with other Matrons and managers to allow for continuity of care across the unit, shared learning and support.
-Act up as Borough Lead when needed
-Liaise with other boroughs Leads for shared learning, complex cases and bed management
-Manage complex cases and liaise with CMHTs and outside agencies
-Attend inpatient board meetings, senior clinicians meeting, health and safety meetings and feedback updates and concerns
-Support and supervise the ward managers. Nurture their leadership and management skills.
-Reinforcing and promoting partnership working with MDTs, CMHTs, HTT, psych liaison, police liaison and outside agencies
-Implement audit systems
-Prepare staff for CQC readiness and implement CQC self assessment
-Monitor new and existing systems and policies, providing training and support where needed.
-Monitor training compliance for staff
-Make sure a therapeutic environment is fostered and maintained.
-Make sure the ward environment is clean and welcoming.
-Promote recovery and choice during all stages of patient care from admission to discharge
-Manage complaints at ward level, meet with family members and complete investigations.
-Celebrate compliments and positive feedback with the teams
-Managed a busy 19 bed adult male acute ward
-Work with often very vulnerable and marginalised group of people
-Co-ordinate bed management and effective discharge planning
-Work closely with the Matron to make sure the ward runs smoothly and effectively
-Work closely with the Clinical Practice Leads and nurture their leadership and management skills.
-Complete audits, including case files, RIO, Medication and high dose monitoring, Health and Safety, Ligature and care plans
-Supervise Staff and identify training needs and areas of support.
-Ensure effective and meaningful 1:1s take place and help enhance patient experience by providing relevant and safe care.
-Promote recovery and choice during all stages of patient care from admission to discharge
-Manage the Rota
-Help implement new systems onto the ward and train staff in their use.
-Introduced Family Support to the ward and trained staff
-Make sure the ward environment is welcoming, friendly and clean
-Support and inspire staff to feel motivated and engaged
-Monitor new and existing systems and policies.
-Challenge systems that need streamlining and help implement change
-Support Management and feedback information and new changes to the team.
-To assess, monitor, develop relationships and implement evidence based practice.
-Assess and manage risk and provide a safe and respectful environment
-Work within local and national policy on implementation of care, medication and risk.
-To promote wellbeing of clients and encourage positive interactions and relationships.
-Communicate effectively with patients, taking into account differences in culture, language and gender.
-Complete CPA documentation, and referrals including Housing Link, Substance Abuse Unit and Dual Diagnosis.
-Promote healthy living and monitor physical health needs and changes.
-Be aware of limitations.
-Coordinate shifts and manage staff time and resources on the ward.
-Undertake training to expand on knowledge
-Encourage independence of service users and work within best interest.
-Utilise supervision sessions and reflect on practice which is ever changing.
-To empathetically listen to service users and have an understanding of their lives, relationships and hopes for the future.
-Discussed side effects of medication, mental health concerns and physical health needs
-Managed six members of staff. Duties included running the office, delegating work, handling complaints from students and staff, managing
appraisals, managing the budget for the office, running assessment boards and management meetings, creating statistics and reports for
senior management, organising events and open days and chairing department meetings.
-Excellent communication skills and people skills that have been carried forward to all areas of work. Through my interactions with people I
learned to read situations and negotiate different personalities in a sensitive, professional and sometimes direct manner, whilst remaining
empathetic and non-judgemental.
-Remain calm under pressure, negotiate a balance between work and personal life, act professional at all times, lead by example, be
constructive and understand the reasons behind behaviour. Positive interactions have been pivotal to all working relationships.
-Worked in a time pressured environment that required exceptional organisational and planning skills in adaptable changing surroundings.
-Supporting colleagues in times of stress; to develop and advance in their chosen careers; to nurture and support progression.
- Experience in Leading Teams
- Experience of managing multiple complex systems
- Work well under pressure
- Dynamic and adaptable
- Strong clinical skills
- Quality Improvement Coach
- Problem solve
- Work with multiple teams and disciplines