Offering an authentic, engaging leadership style that collaboratively solves problems, balancing pragmatism with the need for long term sustainability and culture change. A strong track record of commitment to inclusivity and fairness. A depth and breadth of policing experience across all areas of vulnerability and Public Protection and a passion and ambition to drive systemic and transformational change nationwide. Excited to learn and listen, and skilled in ‘joining up' issues, identifying solutions and driving delivery against demanding timescales.
Core Responsibilities: Force Executive Lead for the 4650-staff Local Policing Portfolio - includes Neighbourhood Policing, Responding, Neighbourhood Crime and Local Investigations and Local Offender Management.
Additional Responsibilities: Executive Lead for (i) Race and 'Our Communities' (D&I strategy strand) (ii) Serious Youth Violence (including Violence Reduction Partnership) (iii) Mental Health and Right Care, Right Person (RCRP)
Major Achievements
Core Responsibilities: Force Executive Lead for Public Protection, including safeguarding, Force Criminal Investigation – theft to homicide, Criminal Justice including custody and Forensics, including Digital Forensics.
Additional Responsibilities: (i) Force Executive and Regional Lead for Violence Against Women and Girls and (ii) Executive and Regional Lead for Child Abuse and Investigation.
Major Achievements
Core responsibilities: (1) Force Executive Lead for Force Contact (2) Force Executive Lead for Force Response Function (1000 staff) (3) Force Executive Lead for Corporate Communications
Major Achievements
Head of Operations, Chief Superintendent - Led force specialist operations, sat on national firearms and public order working groups for the region. Chief-of-staff for COVID-19 setting up full command structure, including SCG/TCG and Multi-Agency Intelligence Cell.
Head of Public Protection, Chief Superintendent - 900 staff, responsible for all domestic abuse, child abuse (including online offending), adult care abuse and RASSO investigations, safeguarding and RSO management. SRO for department redesign and Vice Chair for Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board
Local Policing Commander (Coventry), Chief Superintendent - Commander for Coventry, population of 350,000. Strong partnership working, focused on child protection improvement (post Daniel Pelka) and redressing health inequalities