Qualifying as a registered nurse in 2018 I worked in a fast paced emergency department where I carried out a variety of nursing tasks such as IV administration, Venepuncture. I then completed my minor injury management module allowing me to see and treat minor injury patients independently. I also completed the NHS Professional nurse advocate programme. During time with my previous employer I found a keen interest service development and quality improvement. I carried out in-house quality improvement training, and also got involved with clinical governance and was able to take part in a project to design a new emergency department for Bassetlaw hospital. During this time I also completed in-house mentoring training and observed and mentored student nurses on placement.
I then moved to Sheffield teaching hospitals where I continued my work as an ENP. Also completing my non-medical prescribing qualification. I continued my involvement with clinical governance and also managed complaints, datix's for our service. I started a quality improvement project working on streamlining referrals into our service from 999/111 ensuring patients reach the correct facility the first time for their presenting complaint which I continue to work on today. Liaising with colleagues from YAS/111/NHSE and the local ICB.
I have always had a keen interest in teaching. My passion for teaching first started when I was in the Royal air force Air cadets between the ages of 15-21. I taught the air cadet training syllabus including st John's ambulance first aid to 110s of cadets throughout my career. This included lesson planning, lesson structure, delivery of lesson and evaluation and assessment. I also completed the in house RAFAC method of instruction course.
I am computer literate and am familiar with the use of Blackboard, PebblePad, Teams, Zoom and Microsoft office tools. I also have and continue to study at Level 7.
Working as an ENP for STH seeing, treating and discharging patients with minor injuries. Working in a fast paced environment. Working as an independent prescriber.
Carrying out patient care and being involved with treating the local population.
Taking part in service development through use of new drugs such as penthrox. Also developing the minor injury service by linking with other services such as 111/999 to develop appropriate pathways for referrals and transfer of patients into the service.
Demonstrated expert clinical skills and critical judgement to provide safe, appropriate patient-centred care.
Dressed surgical wounds, monitored healing and replaced bandages to prevent infections.
Followed modern nursing standards for optimum treatments and patient protection.
Oversaw, trained and mentored student and junior nursing staff.
Efficiently assessed and triaged patients presenting to A&E within target timescales.
Ordered diagnostic tests accurately for correct illness detection.
Staff nurse working in a busy emergency department environment.
Managing patients with complex medical conditions.
Managing and adapting to a rapidly changing work environment.
Worked closely with fellow nurses, doctors and clinicians for consistent communication and continued best care practices.
Collaborated with multidisciplinary team to enhance patient care.
Maintained accurate, up-to-date patient records, maximising data accuracy.
Quickly responded to medical emergencies, working calmly and professionally under pressure.
Identified early warning signs of deteriorating health through vigilant monitoring.
Delivered life support with updated first aid and CPR training.