Expertise in Automotive, Rail, Avionics and Telecom domains for more than 19+ years.
3 Years Experience in Rail domain ( Signalling and Rolling stock)
2+ Years’ experience in defining Test methodologies for BMW Germany. 15 Months experience as Virtual validation & Test strategy consultant for Bombardier Rail, 9 Years of Work experience with Jaguar land rover, including 5 years in UK delivering Diesel EMS software validation, simulation and calibration. Proven expertise in developing efficient Test system, software and simulated environments.
C++ Programming
Development of Simulation modules for Sedation system testing
Authoring of test conditions.
Designed and Developed FSK and PSK for Telecom Sub systems.
Designed, Developed and Tested IF (5.12 MHz) and RF (modules for Powerline carrier communication System.
Developed and tested MODEM.
Tested Phased Lock Loops.
Developed Audio frequency Speech filters.
undefined2010 JLR Product Excellence Award from Jaguar Land rover UK.
IRSE - Certificate in Rail Control engineering fundamentals
IRSE - Certificate in Rail Control engineering fundamentals
UK ERTMS Design Training - from Signet Derby