A second-year student studying biological science at the University of Edinburgh. Have strong foundation in laboratory techniques, including PCR, ELISA, gel electrophoresis and bacteria Gram staining. Demonstrates exceptional communication skills and committed to working as a collaborative and positive team member with
enthusiasm and willingness to take responsibility.
Biological experiment assistant with XI'AN JIAO TONG University Suzhou academy
Biological experiment assistant with Nanjing University
Secretary Department Member, Edinburgh University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (EUCSSA) (2023-present)
Student Union Secretary, Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park (2021-2022)
• Recorded school’s activities and reported to the department, communicated instructions to school’s clubs
• Design the brand of the music festival. Coordinating and managing the sale of souvenirs during the music .festival
• Planning and designing a haunted house for the Halloween celebration.
• Managing the backstage PowerPoint presentations for Christmas events.
• Serving as the host for the graduation gala.
Captain, Ulink lacrosse Team (2021-2022)
Volunteer, China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda(2022)
Volunteer, Suzhou Wuyuan Nursing Home (2020)