Dedicated and compassionate professional with strong foundation in medical sciences and patient care, eager to translate knowledge and skills into practical application. Proficient in clinical assessment, diagnosing, treating and managing wide range of medical condition with precision, empathy and strong communication. Committed towards improving patient's outcomes through evidence-based practices and collaborative teamwork, highly focused on delivering high-quality patient care and clinical excellence.
I voluntarily conduct virtual consultations using telemedicine technology, serving patients from both metropolitan and remote locations. My responsibilities include conducting telephonic assessments to determine suitable treatment plans or specialist referrals based on established telemedicine protocols. Additionally, I provide comprehensive health education and guidance to patients and their families on disease prevention and over all wellness initiatives through virtual platforms. I also raised funds with other team members for patient’s medications, investigations and also distributed blankets in people with need.
I joined two-year study program in hematology, where I delivered lectures and examined slides under a microscope to understand normal morphology and pathology of blood cells. I was rotated at Jinnah Hospital Lahore to learn about diseases commonly encountered in hospitals and also observed procedures such as bone marrow testing and blood grouping. Additionally, I was rotated in blood bank to understand the storage and separation methods of blood components, as well as to observe patients requiring transfusions and monitor their outcomes.
I managed acute and critically ill patients in the Emergency Department (ED), overseeing patient admissions and conducting investigations. Collaborating closely with senior consultants, I led ward rounds and made day-to-day clinical management decisions, ensuring prioritization of activities for optimal patient care. My role included delivering high-quality clinical services to hospitalized patients, focusing on comprehensive care and treatment plans. I also supervised and mentored junior clinical staff, fostering their professional development and ensuring competence in patient care.
I manage a high volume of patients in a clinical setting focused on acute treatment, primarily addressing infectious diseases, malnutrition, and common injuries. My role entails conducting rapid assessments and initiating urgent medical interventions in collaboration with local consultants. I advised on lifestyle modifications, promoted healthier living habits among patients. I coordinate transfers to tertiary care facilities when necessary, ensuring seamless continuity of patient care and optimizing treatment outcomes
In a training role at a tertiary hospital, I engaged in structured rotations every 3 months across various specialties
General Medicine (3 months)
Emergency Medicine (3 months)
General Surgery (3 months)
Anesthesia (3 months)
My responsibilities included meticulous admission clerking, leading ward rounds under senior consultant guidance, and coordinating diagnostic procedures according to registrar and consultant directives. I performed discharge planning tasks including preparing discharge summaries, ensuring cohesive handover of care and delivered targeted follow-up care for continued patient monitoring. I also conducted thorough medical histories and physical examinations, aiding accurate diagnosis and treatment planning Additionally, I actively participated in surgical operations and outpatient clinics twice weekly, contributing to patient care continuity. I also fulfilled on-call duties on a 1:4 basis, managing urgent medical needs during 12-hour shifts.
IM and SC injections
IV cannulation
Arterial blood sampling
Ascetic Tap and Pleural Tap
NG tube Insertion,
Foley’s Catheterization
Chest tube insertion
Rapid Sequence Intubation
Central Line Placement
Certificate in Family Medicine (online) from Ziauddin hospital Karachi 01-08-2020 to 31-01-2021
Full Registration Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC)
Full Registration General Medical Council (GMC)
August 2021- January 2022
I was diagnosed with bilateral AVN of hip joint, had my core decompression surgery done and was in recovery period during this time.
February 2024-till date
I relocated to United Kingdom, I focused on familiarizing myself with the national health system through licensing processes, including preparation for the PLAB 2and had my other surgery done.
Certificate in Family Medicine (online) from Ziauddin hospital Karachi 01-08-2020 to 31-01-2021
Full Registration Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC)
Full Registration General Medical Council (GMC)