Experienced Programme Manager skilled in developing and delivering innovative solutions tailored to delivering key priorities. Client-focused with excellent relationship-building skills for constructive negotiations and communications. Confident leader, enabling programme success through multidisciplinary team coordination.
Assisting the Assistant Director, Adult Social Care in delivering the key outcomes for the service area whilst the needs of vulnerable adults are accurately assessed, and commensurate provision secured. A focus on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults will be a key operational responsibility.
Leading on the management of change process and ensure the implementation of change as required and to be responsible for:
· The professional practice of all social care staff in relation to protecting at risk, vulnerable adults. Delivery of services as defined by the legislative framework.
· The deployment, direction, supervision and management of staff within the adult social care division. Within a specific service area as designated and other areas as required. Directly responsible for Team Managers (Service Leads) and Occupational Therapy and Sensory managers
Project Management
Project coordination
Knowledge of Adult Social Care legislation
Managing budgets
Chairing complex care panes
Stakeholder relationship management
Staff performance management
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) authoriser
Service review and development
Analytical problem solver
Organisational leadership
Registered Social Worker- with Social Work England
January 2013 Improving Personal & Organisational Effectiveness University of Bournemouth
November 2012 Managing Services and Budgets Henley Business School, University of Reading
Available on request