Work History
Professional registration

Solomon Osinde

Waltham Abbey,Essex


Experienced Programme Manager skilled in developing and delivering innovative solutions tailored to delivering key priorities. Client-focused with excellent relationship-building skills for constructive negotiations and communications. Confident leader, enabling programme success through multidisciplinary team coordination.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Head of Service- Adult Social Care

Lambeth Council
Brixton, Lambeth
07.2024 - Current

Assisting the Assistant Director, Adult Social Care in delivering the key outcomes for the service area whilst the needs of vulnerable adults are accurately assessed, and commensurate provision secured. A focus on the safeguarding of vulnerable adults will be a key operational responsibility.

Leading on the management of change process and ensure the implementation of change as required and to be responsible for:

· The professional practice of all social care staff in relation to protecting at risk, vulnerable adults. Delivery of services as defined by the legislative framework.

· The deployment, direction, supervision and management of staff within the adult social care division. Within a specific service area as designated and other areas as required. Directly responsible for Team Managers (Service Leads) and Occupational Therapy and Sensory managers

  • Building firm but respectful relationships with staff, leading by example and providing continued encouragement for high levels of motivation and satisfaction.
  • Monitor operational progress against budgets for cost-effective service provision.

Senior Programme Manager

London Borough of Lambeth
11.2021 - 06.2024
  • Maintained compliance with regulatory requirements whilst executing projects.
  • Established robust monitoring systems for tracking progress against milestones and deliverables.
  • Implemented risk mitigation plans proactively, minimising impact on project timelines and budgets.
  • Streamlined processes for increased efficiency in project delivery.
  • Coordinated multiple projects simultaneously without compromising quality or deadlines.
  • Fostered a collaborative work environment amongst team members, boosting morale and productivity.
  • Navigated challenges successfully through proactive problem-solving skills and strategies.
  • Utilised project management tools effectively for better tracking and reporting.
  • Led transformation programmes, establishing clear vision and standards for success.
  • Managed relationships with key stakeholders, ensuring satisfaction throughout programme lifecycle.

Programme Manager

Brent Council
London, Wembley
01.2018 - 10.2021
  • Managed the interdependencies across transformation work streams with the wider health and adult social care system by developing a seamless transfer of care from hospital discharge to Home First, Reablement and rehabilitation services through improved process and pathway
  • Developed and maintained key stakeholder relationships and facilitated collaboration amongst partners to enable delivery of the system reform programmes of work to deliver on Home First pathway design and implementation
  • Led on the developing and implementation of the Integrated Discharge pathway to improve decision-making and patient flow in the acute and reduce hand offs between social care teams
  • Responsible for improving the customer experience and building operational resilience for delivering services that support hospital discharge, by leading on system improvement to support discharge from hospital to the community through Discharge to Assess (D2A)
  • Led the design and implementation of Home First Pathways enabling assessments to be carried out at home for 70% of patients and freeing up hospital beds.
  • Collaborated with senior leadership, aligning project goals with corporate strategy.

Team Manager, Hospital Discharge

London Borough of Brent
London, Wembley
05.2015 - 06.2018
  • Manage a customer focused service and the effective use of resources supporting individuals to maximise their choice and independence
  • Make a positive contribution to the delivery of the service, this will include working flexibly and positively to achieve the objectives of the council
  • Manage and lead staff to achieve high performance and effective operational delivery, including developing and improving staff capability
  • Ensure that the council’s overall vision, values and ethos are central to the requirements of the service
  • Support effective working relationships and act as an ambassador and advocate with external organisations
  • Conducted performance evaluations to identify areas of improvement.
  • Developed action plans for continuous process improvement initiatives.
  • Developed strong teams by skilfully recruiting, orienting and training loyal, hard-working employees.
  • Planned and managed resources and budget to support and deliver objectives.
  • Provided consistent leadership to maintain high levels of team performance and satisfaction.

Team Manager, Support Planning Team

London Borough of Waltham Forest
London, WFT
08.2014 - 04.2015
  • Managed the work of a team; including the allocation of incoming work, overseeing assessments and support planning to ensure the provision of care to clients and carers
  • Provided professional supervision, identify learning gaps and support staff in their professional development
  • Chaired Adult Safeguarding Strategy, Case Conference and Review meetings as required
  • Addressed customer complaints promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Inspired outstanding operational performance, leading by example by managing priorities and demonstrating expertise.
  • Planned and managed resources and budget to support and deliver objectives.
  • Implemented staff rota schedules to ensure adequate coverage during peak times and weekends
  • Conducted performance evaluations to identify areas of improvement.
  • Helped to reduce staff turnover rates by driving improvements in team culture, transparency and cohesion.

Senior Social Worker, Whipps Cross Hospital

London Borough of Waltham Forest
London, ENG
01.2013 - 08.2014
  • Providing rapid multi disciplinary assessment to prevent avoidable hospital admission and to facilitate discharge
  • Supervising the work of qualified social work staff, including staff appraisals and inductions
  • Managing incoming work on duty and allocating work
  • Taking responsibility for all allocated cases for appropriate assessments and clear support plans to meet identified needs
  • Acting as the Safeguarding Adults Manager to ensure residents/carers are safeguarded from all forms of abuse.
  • Promoted independent living for older adults through tailored support services.
  • Consulted with multidisciplinary team of professionals to optimise treatment plans for complex cases.

Deputy Team Manager

London Borough of Waltham Forest
London, ENG
04.2011 - 04.2013
  • Developed a system of receiving referrals and allocating work to staff
  • Supervised the work of qualified social work staff, including staff appraisals and inductions
  • Acted as lead social worker within a multi-disciplinary team of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Nurses
  • Responsibility for all allocated cases for appropriate assessments and clear support plans to meet identified needs
  • Acted as the Safeguarding Adults Manager to ensure residents/carers are safeguarded from all forms of abuse
  • Managed across professional boundaries; framework for managing staff both in health and social care
  • Acted as cost centre manager and work with dedicated budgets, for section 75 funding
  • Collaborated on strategic planning, leading to more effective resource allocation.

Social Worker, Adults

London Borough of Islington
London, ENG
06.2009 - 03.2011
  • Worked within a multi-disciplinary team (with OTs) offering social work assessment and support
  • Coordinated multi-disciplinary input into assessments and Support Planning
  • Facilitated the completion of Self Assessment Questionnaires and Support Plans
  • Undertaken Safeguarding investigations, risk assessment/management plans
  • Worked with procedures/legislation and guidance relevant to Adult Health and Wellbeing
  • Assessment, Care Management and Report writing skills
  • Led team meetings in order to foster a collaborative working environment amongst colleagues whilst sharing key updates about ongoing cases.

Senior Social Worker, NHS Islington

London Borough of Islington
London, ENG
09.2007 - 06.2009
  • Undertaking specialist assessments and care planning for people with sickle cell
  • Acting as lead social worker, offering advice and support to other social workers within health and social care
  • Coordinated multi-disciplinary input into assessments and care planning
  • Joint working with health care professionals; nurses, psychologist and hospital -heamatology department
  • Facilitated and delivering training on social care aspects of sickle cell & thalaseamia
  • Maintained up-to-date knowledge about welfare legislation changes, ensuring compliance in practice.
  • Delivered training workshops to junior staff members which enhanced team competency.
  • Adhered to safeguarding principles to protect service users from risk.
  • Collaborated with healthcare professionals, resulting in improved patient care.

Specialist Social Worker- Physical Disabilities

London Borough of Islington
London, ENG
10.2004 - 09.2007
  • Carried out assessments, care planning and reviews for young adults with physical disabilities
  • Undertaken Safeguarding Investigations and risk assessments
  • Set up, monitoring and reviewing care packages, setting up Direct Payments
  • Worked within legislation relevant to adult social care, NHS 1990, National Assistance Act 1948,Direct Payments Act 1996, Disabled Children and Carers Act 2000, Fair Access to Care Services eligibility criteria (2003).
  • Improved service user well-being by providing emotional support and practical advice.
  • Analysed complex datasets for improved decision-making processes.

Social Worker –HIV (Locum)

London Borough of Enfield
London, ENG
01.2003 - 09.2004
  • Facilitating community HIV project for adults in Enfield
  • Carried out Social Work assessment and support
  • Monitored and reviewing care packages for people with HIV
  • Co-ordinated multi-disciplinary input into assessments
  • Improved service user well-being by providing emotional support and practical advice.
  • Advised families on available resources and services, enabling informed decision-making regarding care options.
  • Designed individualised care plans that reflected each client's unique needs and preferences.

Social Worker and Community Worker

The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO)- Uganda
Tororo, Uganda
01.2000 - 07.2002
  • Carrying out psycho-social support to individuals and families affected with HIV/AIDS
  • Training community groups in the prevention and care for people with HIV.
  • Established trustful relationships with clients to facilitate open communication.
  • Maintained up-to-date case records for accurate documentation of progress or concerns.
  • Provided crisis intervention during high-stress situations, ensuring immediate support was delivered.
  • Advocated for clients' rights to healthcare and social services assistance.


Msc - Public Health

University of Westminster
08.2002 - 11.2003

Bachelor of Arts - Social Work and Social Adminstration

Makerere University
Kampala, Uganda
08.1996 - 06.1999


    Project Management

    Project coordination

    Knowledge of Adult Social Care legislation

    Managing budgets

    Chairing complex care panes

    Stakeholder relationship management

    Staff performance management

    Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) authoriser

    Service review and development

    Analytical problem solver

    Organisational leadership


  • Agile Project Planning
  • PGCert Health and Social Care Management

Professional registration

Registered Social Worker- with Social Work England


January 2013 Improving Personal & Organisational Effectiveness University of Bournemouth

November 2012 Managing Services and Budgets Henley Business School, University of Reading


Available on request


Head of Service- Adult Social Care

Lambeth Council
07.2024 - Current

Senior Programme Manager

London Borough of Lambeth
11.2021 - 06.2024

Programme Manager

Brent Council
01.2018 - 10.2021

Team Manager, Hospital Discharge

London Borough of Brent
05.2015 - 06.2018

Team Manager, Support Planning Team

London Borough of Waltham Forest
08.2014 - 04.2015

Senior Social Worker, Whipps Cross Hospital

London Borough of Waltham Forest
01.2013 - 08.2014

Deputy Team Manager

London Borough of Waltham Forest
04.2011 - 04.2013

Social Worker, Adults

London Borough of Islington
06.2009 - 03.2011

Senior Social Worker, NHS Islington

London Borough of Islington
09.2007 - 06.2009

Specialist Social Worker- Physical Disabilities

London Borough of Islington
10.2004 - 09.2007

Social Worker –HIV (Locum)

London Borough of Enfield
01.2003 - 09.2004

Msc - Public Health

University of Westminster
08.2002 - 11.2003

Social Worker and Community Worker

The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO)- Uganda
01.2000 - 07.2002

Bachelor of Arts - Social Work and Social Adminstration

Makerere University
08.1996 - 06.1999
  • Agile Project Planning
  • PGCert Health and Social Care Management

Solomon Osinde