Work History
Additional Information

Sarwat S. Qureshi



Skilled Researcher, enthusiastic about supporting advancements in Data Science, Computational Linguistics, and Inclusive Education. Passionate about increasing knowledge to drive growth and needed improvements. Ready to apply knowledge and 12 years of experience in research.

Work History

Associate Lecturer

School of Arts, Humanities and Education University of Derby
01.2021 - Current
  • Graded assignments according to strict institutional policies and upheld guidelines for academic integrity while disciplining plagiarism and cheating accordingly.
  • Delivered lectures at an appropriate pace and pronunciation for optimal audience comprehension by non-native English-speaking students.
  • Maintained interdisciplinary study as a guiding principle, establishing partnerships with faculty in other departments to draw parallels with other subjects.
  • Mentored undergraduate and graduate students in effective next steps for education and career preparedness.
  • Participated in and led Projects (AIM and SEND) meetings to remain aware of developments related to evolving Special Educational Provisions field.

Researcher in SEND and Inclsuion

University of Derby
01.2019 - 01.2021
  • Interviewed SENCOs and Challengers in schools of Derby City for SEND Project collaborated by the Department of Education, University of Derby, and Derby City Council.
  • Used coordination and planning skills to achieve results according to schedule.
  • Identified issues, analyzed information, and provided solutions to problems.
  • Quickly learned new skills and applied them to daily tasks, improving efficiency and productivity.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.

EAP Tutor

University of Derby
01.2019 - 01.2021
  • Worked as an English language tutor for Chinese students coming to seek admission to the University of Derby.
  • Performed duties in accordance with applicable standards, policies, and regulatory guidelines to promote a safe working environment.
  • Participated in continuous improvement by generating suggestions, and engaging in problem-solving activities to support teamwork.
  • Proved successful working within tight deadlines and a fast-paced atmosphere.


06.2019 - 10.2019
  • In-hive Groups” Germany “NAVIFY Data Project”
  • Responsible for performing extensive research on licensing terminology about certain medical drugs, attending meetings, and following up on licensing process.
  • Performed research into study topics to increase knowledge and to provide valuable contributions.
  • Collaborated with team members to initiate best practices to achieve organizational goals.

English Access teacher

American Embassy, Karachi
01.2017 - 01.2019
  • Worked at the American Embassy-funded English language scholarship program for underprivileged students in rural areas of the country.
  • Participated in team-building activities to enhance working relationships.
  • Improved operations through consistent hard work and dedication.

Senior Lecturer

Education and Literacy Department Sindh
Hyderabad, Sindh
01.2009 - 01.2019
  • Taught Courses: English language, English Poetry, Drama, Classical Poetry, and World Literature.
  • Employed advanced knowledge of Language Learning to teach challenging high-level courses to graduate students.
  • Supported graduate students in obtaining doctoral degrees by advising on study plans, doctoral dissertations, and career goals.
  • Conducted language learning motivation and efficacy research with in-person and remote collaborators and presented results in scholarly publications to further enhance knowledge.

Extra-Curricular Activities Coordinator

Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh
Hyd, Sindh
01.2009 - 01.2019
  • In charge of Extra Curricular activities during Students’ Week.
  • Dressed in costume and make-up to portray particular characters.
  • Studied and rehearsed roles from scripts to interpret and memorize lines and cues.
  • Wrote original or adapted material of various styles for performances.

Junior Teacher

The City School
Hyderabad , Sindh
01.2005 - 01.2009
  • Subject Taught: English Language, Literature, History, and Geography to Jr classes.
  • Worked cooperatively with other teachers, administrators, and parents to help students reach learning objectives.
  • Graded and evaluated student assignments, papers, and coursework.
  • Kept students on-task with proactive behavior modification and positive reinforcement strategies.
  • Reviewed curriculum and devised alternate approaches to presenting lessons to increase student understanding.
  • Held conferences with parents to address questions, discuss academic progress and encourage learning goals.


Ph.D. - Application of Machine Learning in ASD Screening

School of Computing, Mathematics And Engineering
University Of Derby

MS - Investigating Attitudes And Motivation of Language

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
Mehran University Pakistan

Masters - English Literature

University of Sindh
Department Of English And Literature

B.A - Arts

University of Sindh
Department Of English Language And Literature


  • Questionnaire Development
  • Delivering Presentations
  • Source Analysis
  • Feedback Analysis
  • Data Analysis
  • Advanced Research Techniques
  • Quantitative Research
  • Project Planning and Implementation


  • Education/Training
  • Get into teaching Nottingham 2019
  • Volunteered at SEND conference in July 2019
  • Teachers/Education, Training & Development (Date)
  • Access Teachers Summer workshop 2018
  • Assessment and Invigilation of Board and University of Derby Exams
  • Participated as a team member of the PGR 2020 Conference “My Research My Reach”

Additional Information

Conference Papers

  • Sarwat Qureshi, Mohsen Farid, Fatih Kurugollu (2021), “NLP IN EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE:
    OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES”, My Research My Reach PGR Conference, University of
  • Sarwat Qureshi, Mohsen Farid (2021), “Evidence-Based Mental Health: Is it Possible?”, 1st
    COMDATA conference, UCSI University Malaysia. (
  • Sarwat Qureshi, Mohsen Farid, Fatih Kurugollu (2020), “Use of Machine Learning for
    diagnosing autism and shorten screening and diagnosis tools”,2020 My research My Reach
    PGR Conference, University of Derby. (
  • Sarwat Shaheen, Qurat-ul-Ain, Natasha Memon (2016) “Innovative Technologies in Distance
    Learning” NCDL-2016 Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Sarwat Shaheen, Qurat-ul-Ain, Natasha Memon (2016) “The Eclectic Method: A Revolution in
    Higher Secondary Institutions” 2nd International Conference of The Linguistic Association of
    Pakistan, ICLAP 2016, University of Punjab, Pakistan.


Associate Lecturer

School of Arts, Humanities and Education University of Derby
01.2021 - Current


06.2019 - 10.2019

Researcher in SEND and Inclsuion

University of Derby
01.2019 - 01.2021

EAP Tutor

University of Derby
01.2019 - 01.2021

English Access teacher

American Embassy, Karachi
01.2017 - 01.2019

Senior Lecturer

Education and Literacy Department Sindh
01.2009 - 01.2019

Extra-Curricular Activities Coordinator

Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh
01.2009 - 01.2019

Junior Teacher

The City School
01.2005 - 01.2009

Ph.D. - Application of Machine Learning in ASD Screening

School of Computing, Mathematics And Engineering

MS - Investigating Attitudes And Motivation of Language

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology

Masters - English Literature

University of Sindh

B.A - Arts

University of Sindh
Sarwat S. Qureshi