Seeking an entry-level data scientist position. Strong foundation in statistical and machine learning techniques, with a keen interest in data directed field. Dedicated to using data-driven insights to solve complex problems and drive business growth.
Key Modules: Data Mining, Applied Statistics, Principles of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Big Data Processing (Hadoop, Spark, Scala), Cloud Computing, Information retrieval, Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
Academic Project:
Movie Recommendations Using Sentiment Analysis | Individual project
Developed a Movie recommendation system to predict ratings or preferences of a movie. Provided a total of ten movie recommendations to users based on similar traits/demographics of the movie that has been searched. Additionally, movie details include the movie rating, its release date, cast, genres, and casts information. Use of content-based filtering and sentiment analysis is done.
Document Creation Application | Group Project
Developed statistical analysis skills with completion of course project on REST APIs and built a prototype on Cloud application along with a group of four. Created REST APIs that will handle requests and return a response.
Face Recognition based Door Monitoring system | Group Project
Certified at International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information technology” (ICRCSIT - 20). Proposed the development of smart home security system using Raspberry pi and face recognition techniques that permit or restrict the entry of the person who is trying to enter the home.
Name and email-id on request