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Cardiology Consultant with great experience in Interventional cardiology, CCU, ward based cardiology, OP Cardiology, as wel as extensive experience in Acute Medicine.
Teaching and research is one of my beloved and passionate activities.
I teach everyday on the go, in RESUS, in A&E, in the CathLab, bedside... every moment if there's someone next to me who will benefit from any information - I will pass it on. Will that be an ECG, echocardiography results, medication managment, strategy taking into account patient as whole beign - I'm open for discussion, for advice, for teaching myself.
Extremly open and collaborative with other speciality and rest of the allied helathcare staff. Worked within various trusts and diverse teams’ with multinational staff across UK in the last 8 years, and Bulgaria 9 years before that.
Fluent in most of Balkans languages, I can approach or at least do everything to find compassion toward my patients and deliver best treatement.
1. Cardiology In-reach:
- consultancy Service in Leicester Royal Infirmary, as part of the plan to extend cardiology service from Glenfield to the Royal Infirmary.
A lack of cardiology support on site has been a great burden for patient care, resulting in failure to provide timely advice/treatment in the
absence of a cardiology specialist. The project plan started in July 2022 and ongoing since, positioning me as the only cardiology
consultant on-site and informal service lead in LRI.
2. Acute Medicine - alternating weeks
- Ward Consultant and daily PTWR on very busy and high turnover patient flow on Acute Medical Wards,
- managing and delegating workload among middle grade and junior doctors;
3. Formal Middle-grade doctors teaching in cardiology as part of the Trust Educational Plan;
4. Trust Junior Doctors teaching in cardiology;
5. Multidisciplinary communication with vast variety of specialty doctors across the Trust;
6. Monthly Ground Round meetings.
7. Stayed up to date on latest research regarding indicators of heart disease and treatment options.
1. Teaching third-year foreign medical students, English speaking
- Bedside teaching for basic clinical skills (taking history, observation, palpitation, percussion, auscultation), teaching by systems
(cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, nephrology, hematology;
- two groups of 20 students each;
- two sessions 3 hours and 1.5 hours, each group per week;
- performing presentations, evaluations, and sit exams after each finished major topic
2. Provided mentoring, gave advice on study skills and helped students with learning problems.
1. Interventional Cardiology:
- performing diagnostic and interventional coronary procedures (as the first operator over 2300+ coronary artery catheterizations (diagnostic and interventional coronary procedures) with femoral, radial, and ulnar approaches;
-of which about 800+ PCI procedures as first operator (simple PCI, bifurcation, CTO, LM, FFR guided, experience with IVUS, OCT, rotablation);
- elective PCI (50%);
- urgent PCI (20%);
- pPCI (30%);
- on-call pPCI as first operator;
- pericardiocentesis;
- temporary and permanent pacemaker implantation;
- implantable loop recorders;
- structural heart disease – Initial steps in TAVR (since 2013) started TAVI program with Medtronic device training) -carotid stenting - initial steps (evaluation and independently few procedures);
- cardotid artery stenting
2. Ward activities:
- patient admission (elective and urgent);
- in-patient treatment CCU as well Cardiology ward;
- stress tests (veloergometry, treadmill);
- imaging modalities (echocardiography);
- temporary and permanent pacemaker implantation, discharging patients, follow-up;
3. Out-patient activities:
- new referrals;
- post-PCI f/u;
- Heart failure and arrhythmia Clinic;
- Valve Clinic;
- weekly MDT (HEART Team) with cardiothoracic surgeons;
- monthly TAVI MDT
Ward Consultant (Ward 15) and daily PTWR on very busy and high turnover patient flow in the Cardiology ward, managing and delegating
workload among middle grade and junior doctors;
- Primary decision maker
- liaison with CathLab - intervention, TAVI team, Cardiothoracic surgeons;
- MDT - TAVI, JCC - weekly
- On-Call CDU cover on demand
1. Ward Consultant and daily PTWR on very busy and high turnover patient flow on Acute Medical Ward, managing and delegating workload among middle grade and junior doctors;
2. Trust Junior Doctors teaching in cardiology;
3. Multidisciplinary communication with vas of variety of specialty doctors across the Trust;
4. Monthly Ground Round meetings.
1. Ward activities:
Consultant (on call 1-in-12 per rota Alexandra Hospital), Treathing and primary decision maker for ward patients on Cardiology/Acute Medicine ward) as well as Medical outliers around the hospital.
2. Teaching activities: Junior doctors evaluation, ePortfolio feedback, Case reports, weekly Cardiology Journal Club
3. Monthly M'M meetings
4. Weekly Cardiology Journal Club
- Locum SpR on-call (acute admission, daily SpR led ward round)
- prcedural skilss (Lumbar puncture, chest drain, ascitic drain)
- junior doctor support and evaluation
- Ward activities: On-call SpR Rota – Ward and hospital on-Call cardiology with a cover over two other hospitals in the Trust as only
cardiology specialist overnight.
- Cath-Lab service 4-5 sessions per week, as well as on-call for pPCI
- Performed over 180 PCI per year (on this post exactly) as first operator + FFR, IVUS, OCT, pericardiocentesis, monitor device
implantation, temporary and permanent pacemaker, CRT-D and ICD – as second operator
- Taking part and leading MDT meetings (Joint Cardiothoracic-Cardiology MDT, Heart Failure, and device MDT)
- Outpatient activities: OP service – Cardiology Clinics (Heart Failure, General Cardiology, post PCI f/u clinic, Acute Chest Pain Clinic)
- Teaching – UCL students (bedside teaching and presentations); junior doctors teaching
Diagnostic coronary angiogram
undefined1. Developing a data base for Catheterization Laboratory in Varna, Bulgaria
In Varna, Bulgaria, lacking software and a register for the current CathLab, I developed my project of accumulating data and storing it,
with visual graphics with the outcome for each procedure, with monthly and yearly reports. As the financial aspects were taken into
account, this is still a valuable tool that stands in action since August 2013.
My colleagues are still using it in Varna, as gives a very simple way of daily input of data, that doesn't burden daily doctors' routines.
2. Persuading radial approach in full femoral CathLab
As a Cardiology Trainee, efforts were made from me back in 2008-2010 to convince whole CathLab team of 7 interventional Consultants in Varna, Bulgaria that the outcome of radial approach for invasive coronary angiogram is way better and benefits the patients, reduces complications and shorthens inpatient duration with 1-2 days (when appropriate)
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Invasive Cardiology
Invasive Cardiology