Compassionate Healthcare Assistant with a comprehensive background in effective, efficient care of elderly patients in care home settings. Providing exceptional care, thorough monitoring and dedication to safe nursing practices for continued patient trust. Maintaining excellent levels of patient care through continued kindness and commitment to safe working practices.
Moving and Handling
Customer service
Basic Life Support
Infection Prevention and Control
Fluids and Nutrition
Data Protection
Documentation and Record Keeping
Dementia Awareness
Food Safety( level 2)
Fire Awareness in Care
Falls Prevention
Equality and Diversity
Autism Awareness
Pressure Sore Prevention
Topical Medication
Learning Disabilities
Mental Health Awareness
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Oral Health
Mental Health Awareness
End of Life Care
Diabetes Awareness for Care Staff
Moving and Handling
Customer service
Basic Life Support
Infection Prevention and Control
Fluids and Nutrition
Data Protection
Documentation and Record Keeping
Dementia Awareness
Food Safety( level 2)
Fire Awareness in Care
Falls Prevention
Equality and Diversity
Autism Awareness
Pressure Sore Prevention
Topical Medication
Learning Disabilities
Mental Health Awareness
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Oral Health
Mental Health Awareness
End of Life Care
Diabetes Awareness for Care Staff