I am currently a third-year medical student at the University of Buckingham Medical School. Previously, I completed a degree on Biomedical Sciences at the University of Buckingham. I am currently, on placement at Milton University Hospital (MKUH) and working on several research projects within the trust.
In2MedSchool programme-mentor
In2MedSchool is a group of medical students and junior doctors helping underprivileged school children apply to study Medicine. As a mentor my role entails supporting students with their A-level studies, Medical School applications and general wellbeing.
UoB Women's Health Society-member
As a member of the society my role entails organising teaching sessions for medical students years 1-2. I have hosted teaching sessions on the reproductive system, gastrointestinal system and cardiorespiratory system.
PASSMLA-teaching member
We are a group of third year medical students with the aim of improving understanding of MLA styled questions to medical students. I am responsible for arranging teaching sessions for medical students.