PGDip in Small Animal Medicine & PgDip in Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, PhD candidate in Veterinary Anesthesia
Sensitive and committed veterinary surgeon with strong background in companion animal medicine, anesthesia and emergency and critical care.
-Lecturer in Veterinary Diagnostics (Theory)
Professional skills:
Driving license : B type, full and Clear
City of Leszno Special Acknowledgment awarded by the Mayor for successfully preparing a 3rd year student of the Secondary Technical School of Veterinary Medicine for the Contest ''Agricultural Knowledge and Skills'', enabling the Student to received '' the Leszno Laurel of Education'' , being the first time that this award had been given to a veterinary student in the entire School of Veterinary Medicine history.
2024 Angiostrongylosis in dogs. Clinical cases from England.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 06 (38-43 ,), 2024
2024 The 39th World Veterinary Association Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
Poster Presentation. ,, Effect of constant rate infusion with lidocaine, ketamine and methadone or fentanyl on sevoflurane MAC in dogs undergoing ovariohisterectomy..``
Aleksandra Anna Wiatrowska, Antonio G Cantalapiedra.
2022 Anesthesia causes development of Anaplasmosis in dogs. Clinical cases in Tenerife.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 05,( 35-41), 2022
2019 The use of diazoxide and prednisone in insulinoma treatment in a 14 year old female dog. A clinical case.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 11, (12-17), 2019.
2019 Pyometra and feline infectious peritonitis in cat. A clinical case.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 06, (12-22 ), 2019.
2017 The use of prednisone, omeprazole and cyclophosphamide in mass cell tumor treatment in dogs. A clinical case.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 06-07, (12-19), 2017
2015 Southern European Veterinary Conference. AVEPA congress 15 - 17.10.2015 (Poster Presentation):Effect of constant rate infusion with lidocaine, ketamine and methadone or fentanyl on sevoflurane MAC in dogs undergoing ovariohisterectomy..``
Aleksandra Anna Wiatrowska, Antonio G Cantalapiedra.
2014 CRI use with analgesic drugs in postoperative pain management in dogs.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 24, ( 213), 2015.
2013 Cushing disease and myxedema coma in a dog. A clinical case.
Wiatrowska A.: Magazyn Weterynaryjny, 23, (209), 2014.
Playing piano
Robin Cook' books
Association of Veterinary Anesthesiologist ( AVA)
Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS)
International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management ( IVAPM)
British Veterinary Association ( BVA)
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon
Polish National Veterinary Chamber