Ambitious & motivated health professional eager to contribute to team success through dedication, attention to details and use of analytical skills. Passionate about drug design, discovery and development. Looking for positions in retail pharmacy & pharmaceutical industry.
Holds a B.Pharm & M.Phil degree in addition to an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine (APDPM).
Drug discovery, development, evaluation, & medical aspects of marketing drugs for the benefit of patients & public health.
Investigating new drugs using clinical trials with emphasis on phase 1-4
Institutional Review Board (IRB) & Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) review procedures, Food & Drug Administration (FDA) reviews and ICH-GCP guidelines.
Epidemiological studies and disease prevention through community based intervention and disease control.
Independent research work on tuberculosis treatment defaulting.
Carried out a research work on pattern of use of NSAIDs as part of my bachelor's degree project work
Published 2 scientific papers:
1. Assessment of defaulting from Directly Observed Treatment Short
Course (DOTS) andf its determinants in Benin City, Nigeria
Journal of Tuberculosis Research · Mar 1, 2014 Journal of Tuberculosis
2. Utilization of Non Steriodal Anti-inflammatory drugs in patients
attending clinics in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria.
West African Journal of Pharmacology & Drug Research · Dec 1, 2005