Work History

Tracy Squire

Scarborough,NOrth Yorkshire


Hard working and dedicated professional with 12 years experience of working in special education and mainstream settings with children from age 4 to 16 with complex needs of SEND and SEMH. Able to respond to challenging situations and maintain comprehensive and accurate documentation to support provision applications and formal proceedings. Able to work autonomously and in an effective team as needed and willing to undertake further training and development as appropriate to the role


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Teaching Assistant (SEND)

Northstead Community Primary School
Scarborough, North Yorkshire
09.2021 - Current
  • Providing 'on-call' response to children in crisis or displaying challenging or disruptive behaviour - aiding emotional regulation and engagement in learning
  • Participated in parent-teacher meetings to discuss student progress and potential improvements.
  • Supported classroom teacher with behaviour management, promoting a positive learning environment.
  • Provided one-on-one support to struggling students (with challenging behaviour for improved academic performance.
  • Supervised students in classrooms and communal areas including off site trips after contributing to the completion of risk assessments for those with challenging behaviour and complex needs
  • Provided additional support to students with special educational needs, ensuring inclusivity.
  • Maintained daily logs of the Positive Learning Room (behaviour support) and detailed behaviour monitoring plans for approximately 20 children requiring ongoing intensive support. The latter involves analysing behaviour patterns and amending provision / creating strategies to target needs reviewing daily.
  • Completing incident reports and CPOMs logs using STAR analysis
  • Running the 'soft start' provision - offering nurture and emotional check in for approx 12 children per day (the most vulnerable children in school)
  • Preparing home learning packs for children during suspension or 5 day provision period
  • Adapting and amending provision plans in response to needs identified in observations.
  • Created and resourced specialist individual work spaces (start and finish trays / bespoke timetables) for children with complex needs
  • Developed and nurtured excellent relationships with students and staff, enhancing positive learning environments.
  • Maintained sensitivity towards students with additional needs, continually improving their development and confidence.
  • Creating specialist resources for communication using Widgit and creating Makaton video resources to teach and aid other staff
  • Contributing to EHCP applications, evidence observations and sensory profiles and liaison with SENCO / Assistant head for Inclusion in SEND review meetings
  • Assisting in SEND drop in training sessions (creating resources to inform staff about ASD / behaviour interpretation)
  • Liaised between teachers and parents, maintaining open lines of communication.

Youth worker (Children's Ministry)

St. Laurence's Church, Scalby
Scarborough, North Yorkshire
02.2020 - 08.2021
  • Organised recreational activities, enhancing social skills of young individuals including risk assessments
  • Organisation and running of Toddler group as a community provision
  • Contributing to the planning and delivery of children's church service (in person and live streamed)
  • Creation of online resources and home activity packs throughout the Covid Pandemic
  • Advertising and running the community outreach service in Scalby throughout the Covid Pandemic (around the clock telephone answering, collecting shopping and prescriptions for those shielding)
  • Planning, risk assessing and organising the re-opening of groups and services as Covid restrictions were gradually changed
  • Created and monitored social media groups related to the various groups and activities
  • Participating in school outreach programme "Open The Book"

Higher level teaching assistant

Woodlands Academy
Scarborough, North Yorkshire
09.2016 - 01.2020
  • Working in SEND specialist setting with pupils aged 11-16 with complex needs and disabilities
  • Taking full responsibility for the class of KS3 / 4 pupils 2 days per week
  • Planning for PSHE, Science, Life skills and literacy for all KS3 / 4 pupils (approx 30 pupils of diverse SEND need and ability)
  • Development of life skills suite and programme of skills lessons
  • Creation of pupil magazine project (involved pupils applying and being interviewed for specific roles, working to deadlines and creation of two (40 page +) editions which were professionally printed)
  • Promoted academic achievement through one-on-one support for struggling pupils.
  • Prepared teaching resources and materials for effective lessons.
  • Helped organise extracurricular activities enhancing student enrichment outside the classroom setting.
  • Driving minibus to off site trips on a weekly basis
  • FAW trained.
  • Contributed towards assessment marking; reducing workload for class teachers.
  • Reinforced positive behaviour with consistent classroom management techniques.
  • Prepared engaging, effective learning materials to boost stimulation and encourage further academic interest.
  • Completing EHCP targets and undertaking formal assessments each term (PIVATs)
  • Undertaking parent's evening meetings
  • Writing end of year reports and leavers presentations
  • Organising and script writing for class performance assemblies

Teaching assistant

Woodlands Academy
Scarborough, North Yorkshire
09.2013 - 09.2016
  • Managed administrative tasks, aiding smooth running of the class.
  • Supported classroom teacher with behaviour management, promoting a positive learning environment.
  • Liaised between teachers and parents, maintaining open lines of communication.
  • Provided additional support to students with special educational needs, ensuring inclusivity.
  • Offered one-on-one guidance to struggling students for improved academic performance.
  • Prepared classroom materials to facilitate efficient lessons.
  • Facilitated active learning environments with engaging teaching aids and resources.
  • Assisted in conducting assessments to determine student understanding of subjects.
  • Completing home-school communication books for each child every day
  • Developed and nurtured excellent relationships with students and staff, enhancing positive learning environments.

Nurse practitioner

DR Golik and Partners
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
10.2001 - 05.2007
  • Diagnosed acute and chronic conditions, facilitated treatment plans.
  • Held wellness clinics regularly promoting healthy lifestyles within community.
  • Improved overall patient satisfaction through empathetic and responsive communication.
  • Administered medications safely, monitored responses to treatment regimens.
  • Utilised evidence-based practice for effective disease prevention strategies.
  • Collaborated with healthcare team to ensure coordinated patient care.
  • Maintained accurate medical records to facilitate seamless continuity of care.
  • Acted as a liaison between patients and physicians for clear communication.
  • Advocated for patients' rights, ensured confidentiality and ethical practice.
  • Discussed care plans with patients and explained test results and proper use of medications.
  • Educated patients on medical needs and non-medical options for treatments and therapy.
  • Undertook physical examination including venepuncture, palpation, chest auscultation, ENT assessments, cervical cytology and swabs
  • Prescribed appropriate pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment modalities to support health and comfort of patients.
  • Created detailed reports on patient's condition status and treatments received.
  • Provided a telephone triage system for all requests for same day appointments booking patients to correct appointment with most appropriate health professional or issuing prescriptions or advice for self care


Understanding Autism Level 2 - SEND

Bath College
Distance Learning
09.2022 - 03.2023

Attachment Disorder and Early Childhood Trauma

Jenny Nock Training
05.2016 - 05.2016

HLTA qualification - HLTA

Distance Learning
05.2016 - 09.2016

Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in School - Teaching support

Distance Learning - Edgehill University
03.2012 - 09.2012

Level 4 Physical Examination and Minor Ailments - Minor Ailment Diagnosis

Staffordshire University
09.2003 - 03.2004

Independent Nurse Prescriber -

Staffordshire University
03.2004 - 09.2005

Bachelor of Medical Science - Theory and Practice of Nursing (orthopaedics specialism)

University of Sheffield
09.1995 - 09.1999

A-Levels - Pure Maths with statistics

Barnsley College
09.1993 - 06.1995

A-Levels - Geography

Barnsley College
09.1993 - 06.1995

A-Levels - English Language and Literature

Barnsley College
09.1993 - 06.1995


  • Communication skills (home school communication / written reports and MDT meetings)
  • Ability to remain calm and patient in crisis situations
  • Adept at de-escalation, sensory and emotional regulation strategies
  • Accurate professional record keeping and documentation
  • Specialist knowledge of SEND, SEMH and special interest in autistic spectrum disorder
  • Confident with Office software and Widgit specialist software
  • Analytical and reflective working and problem solving


Understanding Autism Level 2 - SEND

Bath College
09.2022 - 03.2023

Teaching Assistant (SEND)

Northstead Community Primary School
09.2021 - Current

Youth worker (Children's Ministry)

St. Laurence's Church, Scalby
02.2020 - 08.2021

Higher level teaching assistant

Woodlands Academy
09.2016 - 01.2020

Attachment Disorder and Early Childhood Trauma

Jenny Nock Training
05.2016 - 05.2016

HLTA qualification - HLTA

05.2016 - 09.2016

Teaching assistant

Woodlands Academy
09.2013 - 09.2016

Level 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in School - Teaching support

03.2012 - 09.2012

Independent Nurse Prescriber -

Staffordshire University
03.2004 - 09.2005

Level 4 Physical Examination and Minor Ailments - Minor Ailment Diagnosis

Staffordshire University
09.2003 - 03.2004

Nurse practitioner

DR Golik and Partners
10.2001 - 05.2007

Bachelor of Medical Science - Theory and Practice of Nursing (orthopaedics specialism)

University of Sheffield
09.1995 - 09.1999

A-Levels - Pure Maths with statistics

Barnsley College
09.1993 - 06.1995

A-Levels - Geography

Barnsley College
09.1993 - 06.1995

A-Levels - English Language and Literature

Barnsley College
09.1993 - 06.1995
Tracy Squire