As a nurse practitioner, I have successfully advanced my career to the room manager position. I take pride in developing comprehensive profiles for children and strategically planning activities that effectively promote their milestones and enhance their education.
In 2012 I became a Mum and I wanted to see my son more take him to school and be involved a lot in his school life, so I started at Holy Spirit School as a Teaching assistant. I enjoyed working closely with the teacher I was supporting and taking on roles myself to adapt activities to benefit the children I was working with. The teachers all saw I had a loving and caring side to me and put me forward as SEN lead and medical lead at school to help the disabled children so they could fulfill their time at primary school. I used to care for a young person who was type 1 diabetic and I used to have control over his diet and insulin throughout the day. I also cared for two young people with epilepsy which was challenging but I ran more of being challenged. I also got trained in male catheterization so I young person could attend full-time school.
My family member opened up their own business and wanted help to do this. I work with a range of young disabled adults. My role is to meet and greet the young adults with their carers. We would assess to see what care they would need whilst at Ever Evolving. We would put the plan together and then meet with the social worker to see if the plan could go ahead or if we needed to change it slightly. I would then put safeguarding policies and procedures in place so that the young adult could participate in almost or all activities and were safe. I did lots of training to make myself more educated for my job role and also to help the staff in my workplace. I am also the medical lead at work and I would work close by with Willis House which does the 12-month check-up with the service users and makes sure they are all at where they should be and if they need more checks. They also worked close by to put together social stories to help the service users with steps that they needed to overcome or help them accept them. I love that every day is different and challenging. I love to think I have put a little bit of help into other people's lives to help them and their families.
-Certificate in childcare and education
-Diploma in childcare and education
-Leadership and management
-Level 4 in Health and social care
-Level 5 in Health and social care management
- Food safety and hygiene
-Food Allergy and Intolerance training
- OPUS Beccal midazolam distance learning course
-Moving and handling People in Health andd social care
-First Aid
-Fire marshal
-Fire safety course in a workplace
-ADHD Awareness
-Safeguarding in children and vulnerable adult training
-Administering medication trained for care
-Anaphylazis Awareness
-Epilepsy including Buccal Midazolam training
-PEG feed trained and to fit a PEG feed
-Diabetes Awareness Advanced
-Certificate in childcare and education
-Diploma in childcare and education
-Leadership and management
-Level 4 in Health and social care
-Level 5 in Health and social care management
- Food safety and hygiene
-Food Allergy and Intolerance training
- OPUS Beccal midazolam distance learning course
-Moving and handling People in Health andd social care
-First Aid
-Fire marshal
-Fire safety course in a workplace
-ADHD Awareness
-Safeguarding in children and vulnerable adult training
-Administering medication trained for care
-Anaphylazis Awareness
-Epilepsy including Buccal Midazolam training
-PEG feed trained and to fit a PEG feed
-Diabetes Awareness Advanced
As an active listener, I can focus completely on a speaker, understand their message, comprehend the information, and respond thoughtfully. I will ask questions when needed, make notes, and organise what to do next.
Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of information. I can express my ideas and feelings. My communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing, and empathising.
Computer skills are used a lot in my line of work. I will use a range of technology to input data to help all the staff in my workplace. I will input medication and bathroom timetables so that things are done effectively. We use Log My Care to input all the service user's information is we can give the right and best care possible. I will type, upload documents, and scan things in so we get a bigger picture of our service user.
Customer skills have been built up over the past 3 years in my line of work. I would build a good relationship with parents, carers, community, and professional people. I would have to talk face-to-face or over teams with them. My confidence has grown massively with being the senior manager.
Leadership skills are skills you use when originating other people to reach a goal. To be a good leader you have to have the ability to motivate people, to teach, and to mentor. You need to be flexible and be able to help people as and when needed. I am very good at time management as my job was very important and things needed to done at the right time.
Good management skills are to be able to help people and the task at hand. I am very originated, and empathetic and communicate very clearly to support the team. I will make decisions to help with the workload or tasks that are happening in the workplace. I also like to take members of the staff's thoughts and ideas because we are all one big team.
Good time management allows you to complete tasks and projects before deadlines while maintaining a work-life balance. Staying originated will help with setting goals and give you time to focus on what needs to be done first.
I used to plan all the activities to all the abilities of all the service users so that everyone could take part. How big or how small it was everyone felt part of our team. We have topics to follow which was good so you could originate and plan trips out to go with each topic. It was always good as a manager to get the staff involved with the planning because a lot of the staff had strong points in certain subjects and liked to put their input init.
I have worked with a range of ages children and young adults. I have worked in a private day nursery and I also was a Teaching assistant for 5 years in a primary school in Parr. I worked close by with the parents and carers as i think its important to have a good relationship with families. I was a room manager and had to plan 7 areas of learning activities to build on the children's milestones and education. I would look through the children’s profiles and find gaps in their learning, so I could plan activities so they could reach their goals.
I have been a support worker and senior manager at Ever Evolving which is a social day provision for young disabled adults. Ever-evolving would provide activities to help build confidence, life skills, work placements, jobs, and communications skills, so that young adults could live safely and happily. I would do assessments with them and their carers so we could help with as much as we could with their care and wellfare. Working closely with parents/carers and social workers helped the service user get the correct help and care they needed to assess the community and places like Ever-evolving. It was so awarding to help the young adults and their families.
I’m a very confident person and like a challenge. I’ve had to use a recovery medication on a young adult and didn’t worry or stress just dealt with the matter at hand. When I knew everything was dealt with correctly and the young adult was safe, I made correct notes to report the accident. As a senior manager I would have to plan each day, working closely with staff to ensure that the correct care was given throughout the day. Plan meals for service user and amand any that needed adjusting or extra help with feeding. Plan medication rounds and peg feeds so that the service still could access all the activities but got the right care they needed for the day. I enjoyed building my knowledge and education, so I can make peoples day alot easier knowing that I can care for them plus you can have enough knowledge.
-Certificate in childcare and education
-Diploma in childcare and education
-Leadership and management
-Level 4 in Health and social care
-Level 5 in Health and social care management
- Food safety and hygiene
-Food Allergy and Intolerance training
- OPUS Beccal midazolam distance learning course
-Moving and handling People in Health andd social care
-First Aid
-Fire marshal
-Fire safety course in a workplace
-ADHD Awareness
-Safeguarding in children and vulnerable adult training
-Administering medication trained for care
-Anaphylazis Awareness
-Epilepsy including Buccal Midazolam training
-PEG feed trained and to fit a PEG feed
-Diabetes Awareness Advanced