Senior Data and Operations Research Scientist, with a PhD in operations research from ETH Zurich. On Professional Services Innovation team helping a variety of businesses across different industries develop AI models to streamline their operations. Specialist in mathematical optimization, algorithms, machine learning, and I have experience in computer vision, edge computing, cloud computing, MLops, devops, data engineering, and developing ML and OR based based SaaS solutions. I am passionate about building ML pipelines as efficiently and accurately as possible. I am also passionate about clean code and good documentation.
Operations research/mathematical optimization/graph theory
Gurobi and CPLEX (with pyomo, PuLP, gurobipy, OR-tools, networkx, OPTuna) and Fujitsu's proprietary digital annealer optimizatyion designed to run Quadratic unconstrained binary optimization
Machine learning (PyTorch, tenserflow, Keras, , hugging face, OpenCV, scikit-learn, huggingface)
Agile Project Management (Azure DevOps, Azure cloud, AWS, Linux, Docker, RestAPIs, Pipelines, Jira, etc)
Python and object oriented programming (10 years), C (6 years), R (4 years)
Verbal and communication skills (6 journal publications and 10 conference presentations)
Cloud computing (AWS, Azure, 7 years experience)
Edge computing (Nvidia jetson, Nvidia deepstream, cuda, raspberry pis)
Data processing and cleaning (7 years)
Databases (Hadoop, Databricks, SQL, NoSQL, Parquet, etc)
Computer Vision (OpenCV, yolo, pose detection, behaviour detection, Fujitsu's proprietary actlyzer)
P. Murray, J. Carmeliet, and K. Orehounig, “Multi-Objective Optimisation of Power-to-Mobility in Decentralised Multi-Energy Systems,” Energy, vol. 205, p. 117792, Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1016/
2020-03 P. Murray, “The Role of Power-to-X Technologies in Decentralised Multi-Energy Systems,” Doctoral Thesis, ETH Zurich, 2020. URL: https://www.research-
2020-01 P. Murray, J. Marquant, M. Niffeler, G. Mavromatidis, and K. Orehounig, “Optimal transformation strategies for buildings, neighbourhoods and districts to reach CO2 emission reduction targets,” Energy Build., vol. 207, p. 109569, Jan. 2020, doi:
2018-12 P. Murray, K. Orehounig, D. Grosspietsch, and J. Carmeliet. 2018. “A Comparison of Storage Systems in Neighbourhood Decentralised Energy System Applications from 2015 to 2050.” Applied Energy 231 (December): 1285–1306.