As an established school leader and outstanding teacher, I am excited at the prospect of further developing my career in leadership. Successful leadership and management experience is evident through my leadership role within GLF and Chestnut Park, growing a team of expert practitioners and improving pupils outcomes within all partner schools.
I am committed and possess strong organisational skills evident through managing various roles and responsibilities, through a planned approach. Effective communication skills are vital through clear written and oral communication and when liaising with a range of stakeholders, via emails, telephone conversations, assemblies, staff sessions and parent information workshops.
I am a confident and enthusiastic leader with a ‘can do' attitude, evident through my established teaching and leadership journey. I strive for the best pupil outcomes, welfare and experiences; motivated to continue to team success through hard work and collaboration.
GLF – English Improvement Lead
Following rigorous analysis and contextual understanding of Phonics; KS1 and KS2 data of the primary schools within the GLF Trust, I strategically support school leadership teams in the development of the English curriculum. I coach teachers and English and Reading Leads; model strategies rooted in evidence based research and continuously monitor provisions in reading and writing to secure pupil outcomes. I grow positive outcomes through for our pupils through continuous teamwork within schools and within the central team; building a team of expert teachers through regular professional development facilitated sessions.
Assistant Headteacher - English Lead; Early Careers Teachers (ECT); Lower Key Stage Two Phase Leader
I actively contribute to the School Development Plan (SDP), with the senior leadership team (SLT) to set and achieve targets and milestones as part of the SDP. These include embedding strong teaching and learning practises; delivering regular professional development sessions; including staff meetings; coaching and co planning sessions; and monitoring the impact through learning walks and supportive book looks. I analyse data and develop concise next steps, from assessments and subject moderation practises to ensure positive pupil outcomes. I deliver modelled lessons; hold reflective discussions and champion the growth of subject leads and teaching practitioners to develop their expertise through CPDD (performance management opportunities); holding staff members to account under the shared SDP. I have outlined the areas that I am responsible for below:
Early Careers Framework (ECF) Co-ordinator:
I have developed a strong ECF approach at Chestnut Park, in line with a training provider; to ensure that the ECTs I support receive regular, well informed coaching through a purposeful coaching cycle. This includes timetabling weekly observations and from this, feedback supportively and choose concise areas to develop, through deliberate practise and ongoing coaching. I support two ECTs within KS1 and KS2; provide various support and coaching through professional dialogue; parent meetings; planning; moderation and classroom coaching. This has had a positive impact within the ECTs' development, which in turn has positively impacted upon pupils' wellbeing and outcomes.
Strategic English Lead:
I share the Reading and Writing curriculum vision as part of ongoing staff training meetings and supportive co planning sessions, to ensure consistency and high quality teaching and learning. As the Strategic Lead; I deliver modelled Whole Class Reading and Writing lessons; as well and signpost these within the English team and within phases. I lead on the coaching and monitoring package, through delivering professional development; book looks; learning walks; co planning and team teaching.
I work closely with the Phonics Lead to ensure that the Phonics SSP Programme is being executed with fidelity; and conduct phonics learning walks and data analysis to help inform next steps and plan interventions. I support the Phonics Lead to deliver regular practise and coaching sessions within the teaching team to instil secure subject knowledge.
Enrichment Lead:
I provide a host of enrichment opportunities linked to the wider and core curriculum offer. These include engaging trips and as the school Educational Visits Co-ordinator (EVC), I lead on the effective planning and risk assessment of these. I also make community links to provide our pupils with opportunities to learn key skills through external agency sports clubs operating from Chestnut Park and devising a varied extra curricular club timetable for all pupils. In addition, I arrange for parent helpers and students to support with reading and learning across KS1 and KS2.
Literacy Specialist - Wandle English Hub
As a committed Year Two teacher I planned core subjects and subjects across the wider curriculum, delivering purposeful and engaging lessons. I implemented tailored interventions and ensured that all children were provided with opportunities to reach their full potential, through quality first teaching; visual aids, Assessment for Learning (AfL) questioning and clear scaffolds and differentiation. I worked alongside an English consultant from the local authority to embed language opportunities for children across Key Stage One. I delivered engaging assemblies and informative parent workshops around the end of Key Stage One assessments. I also created strong parental links and arranged for a parent to visit and share the religious importance of his turban as a way to create positive awareness within a diverse setting.
As a Year One/ Two NQT, I was responsible for establishing a strong teaching and learning practise whilst delivering quality first teaching within an assessment year group. I planned effectively and created a robust teacher assessment system to help support my teacher judgements.
Continuous improvement management
- Pilates
- Crossfit
- Cycling
- Swimming
- Running
- Reading
- Gatka
- Travelling