Diligent and dedicated nursing professional with demonstrated success in acute patient care. Agile and responsive to dynamic patient needs and environmental conditions. Team-oriented and reliable with expert healthcare knowledge, clear verbal and written communication skills and sound clinical judgment.
Over 30 years of clinical experience as a nurse in many roles and a midwife.
Due to be an Independent Nurse Prescriber October 2023.
I currently work via an agency. I mainly work at York NHS Hospital and I usually work on Acute Medical Admissions Unit. This is a busy fast based ward with constant admissions from A&E. Obviously admitting patients for a number of reasons and often many are acutely unwell. I usually have 10 acute patients in my care at any one time with a quick turnover once they are stable enough to transfer off. Assessments are performed on admission. I am proficient in Venepuncture and cannulation. Any Intravenous fluids and medications are administered by myself.
If required I will refer out and escalate to consultants and critical care staff. Less urgent referrals are made to Physiotherapists, Dieticians and Tissue Viability Nurses.
I am capable of recognising and escalating a deteriorating patient in my care. I have commenced CPR and alerted emergency calls and attended at numerous Cardiac Arrests.
I have often been in charge on some wards at York Hospital. I work well within the team on AMU. I am familiar with computer systems for admissions and recording details for observations, assessments and care planning
I also own and am the Aesthetic Nurse at Renee Grace Aesthetics Limited. I see clients for initial consultations, take full medical history and discuss a plan of treatment for each individual. I listen to their concerns and their wishes but am always careful in patient selection for certain treatments and I always make them aware of realistic expectations before agreeing to a plan together. I assess all my patients for Body Dysmorphia.
I offer Botulinum Toxin injections and dermal fillers for Lips, Cheeks. Jawline, Chin, Tear Trough, Temples and Non Surgical Rhinoplasty. I am trained to administer dental blocks although rarely use these.
I advise my clients on skin treatments as well as injectables.
Obviously my time here was limited, this was due to my marriage breakdown and the travel distance with young children, however I was already seeing couples independently . I was carrying out venepuncture for screening. I was also straight back doing Trans Vaginal Scanning as this was a skill I learnt earlier in my career. I was assisting at Egg Collections, ie collecting follicular fluid and passing through to embryologist. I was carrying out abdominal ultrasound during embryo transfer and IUI's. This is for the consultant to ensure the embryo's/sperm are placed in an optimum place in the uterus. I assisted at Sugical Sperm Retrieval (SSR) also. I spent time in recovery, caring for the egg collection ladies and the men from SSR.
I very quickly became familiar with their IT system and was competent at putting data on the system. I was very quickly familiar with the HFEA policies and procedures and paperwork and was able to provide guidance for women and couples. Unfortunately the sad and hard part of the job is when treatment is unsuccessful. I was involved in the follow up care with these ladies/couples although we did have a qualified counsellor on site some days who I would refer clients to.
This was casual agency nursing work due to trying to start a family and travelling to where my then husband was working.
I have two children, now adults, at 22 and 18 years of age. I was a single mum to my children from the ages of 8 and 4 respectively. I enjoy running. I have completed the Great North Run three times. I keep very fit and active and eat a healthy diet. I love dancing and I have a huge passion for music and I love to be out socially. Also when time allows I enjoy reading, both journal articles and non-fiction books. I enjoy travel and have spent time in the States, Puerto Rico and Europe. I have done one cruise which I loved.