Since becoming a Registered Nurse, my ultimate goal has been to become a teacher at University level therefore I have undertaken a Master's in midwifery that is due to be completed in May 2025. I am a highly skilled professional with extensive experience in quality improvement in healthcare. I can demonstrate excellent communication skills, strategic thinking and ethical decision-making. I understand the importance of interdisciplinary education and learning and adapting to new and upcoming teaching methods. I have a well-developed set of critical thinking skills when essay writing alongside experience in simulation-based nursing and midwifery practice and clinical research methods that could be adapted to enhance teaching practice. Furthermore, I feel I possess strong organisational and time management skills and the ability to work independently while effectively assessing, planning and implementing work appropriately. I am eager to apply my current knowledge to gain teaching experience whilst continuously learning, reflecting and receiving constructive criticism to help improve and develop my skills. I am committed to advancing nursing and midwifery clinical practice through continuous professional development and education.
Royal College Midwives "Student Midwife of the Year"