Work History

Augustine Kiptum



I am climate scientist with expertise in weather and climate forecasting spanning more than 10-year having worked at the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) forecasting section and currently as a PhD Researcher at the University of Sussex, UK.

My main task at KMD were application of numerical and dynamical weather and climate models to issue forecasts. Locally, at the forecasting section, with other climate forecasters, we were able to initialize and run WRF model at medium range (7-day lead) that could feed into the seven day forecast as well as input for flood forecasting models at the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre.

In a number of occasions, together with other climate scientists in the IGAD region participated and make seasonal forecasts during the Climate Outlook Forums(COFs).

Currently, I am in my final year as PhD student at the University of Sussex, UK my main area of research has been the understanding potential application of long lead numerical weather prediction products from ECMWF's Integrated Forecasting System(IFS) in the initialization of spatially distributed hydrological model-LISFLOOD forecasting in Kenya focusing on two flood prone basins of Tana and Nzoia. Ideally, the main work here is to assess skill of GloFAS at sub seasonal time scales by comparing with observed streamflow and available flood impact datasets from Kenya Red Cross and international Sources(Dart-Mouth Flood Observatory and EMDAT, DisInventer etc). Through this work, I have submitted one paper and accepted at the Journal of Flood Risk Management and available here: DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.12884 . I have one paper which is currently in the final stages of submission for review.

Through my PhD research, I have also developed strong technical and analytical skills on data analysis through expertise in Python, R Climate Data Operators(CDO). In addition, I have developed expertise in using the Google Earth Engine where my work has been looking into the flood risk mapping using Sentinel products and then applying Machine Learning (ML) techniques(Random Forest[RF] Classification and others) in the classification of flood prone areas.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

PhD Researcher

University of Sussex
03.2020 - Current
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
  • Self-motivated, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.
  • Paid attention to detail while completing assignments.
  • Learned and adapted quickly to new technology and software applications.

Climate Scientist

Kenya Meteorological Department
03.2011 - 02.2020
  • Completed paperwork, recognizing discrepancies and promptly addressing for resolution.
  • Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Used strong analytical and problem-solving skills to develop effective solutions for challenging situations.
  • Self-motivated, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.
  • Gained extensive knowledge in data entry, analysis and reporting.
  • Demonstrated creativity and resourcefulness through the development of innovative solutions.
  • Organized and detail-oriented with a strong work ethic.
  • Assisted with day-to-day operations, working efficiently and productively with all team members.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills in managing projects from concept to completion.
  • Applied effective time management techniques to meet tight deadlines.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.


Ph.D. - Atmospheric Sciences And Meteorology

University of Sussex
Brighton, Great Britain(GB)
03.2020 - Current

Master of Science - Hydrology & GroundWater Resources Management

University of Nairobi
09.2015 - 09.2017

Bachelor of Science - Atmospheric Sciences And Meteorology

University of Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya
11.2004 - 11.2008


    Skilled researcher



    I have submitted a review paper in the Journal of Flood Risk Management which has been accepted.


Kenya Meteorological Department(KMD) and University of Sussex


PhD Researcher

University of Sussex
03.2020 - Current

Ph.D. - Atmospheric Sciences And Meteorology

University of Sussex
03.2020 - Current

Master of Science - Hydrology & GroundWater Resources Management

University of Nairobi
09.2015 - 09.2017

Climate Scientist

Kenya Meteorological Department
03.2011 - 02.2020

Bachelor of Science - Atmospheric Sciences And Meteorology

University of Nairobi
11.2004 - 11.2008
Augustine Kiptum